Oh how fast they grow. The kittens have been here nearly TWO WEEKS and are almost ready for homes. I am calling them Brother, Sister and Uncle. Why? Because it helps clarify gender and doesn’t allow me to get attached because believe me brother, sister and uncle, they are NOT staying here!
Brother, who is white and gray, is very cute and has lovely markings and is trying on his increased coordination with climbing, jumping, stalking, walking, prancing, dancing and more. He is reluctant to grow up to the same degree as his siblings, because even at nearly 6-7 weeks of age, he prefers the comfort of bottle feeding to learning how to drink or eat solid food, but knock wood, he gets and is consistent with the litter box so he is definitely maturing. I’d say by mid week he’ll be chowing down with the others.
Sister, all gray, is by far the bravest of the three (YAY, girls rule, boys, well, these boys don’t drool so much, but they are little fools) although she’s also the most demanding. If I were to pic a famous actress to play her in the movie of her life, it would be Sandra Bullock when she was in the runaway bus with Keanu Reeves. P.S. Slightly belated Happy Birthday Sandra!
Uncle, the all black boy, is a typical middle child. He follows Sister’s lead, sort of looks out for her, but she doesn’t really need him to. I like Uncle and his blue eyes against his darker fur is quite lovely. All 3 have various shades of blue eyes but I can’t tell if they’ll stay or morph into a different color.
It’s been a hoot watching them grow up and develop — coming as little ones who couldn’t walk and mostly ate and slept and peed and pooped, to these little stalkers who are getting heavily socialized to dogs, kids, noises (not crazy about my dustbuster, but getting used to it!)and come when you call them and enjoy affection.
Adoptions to appropriate homes only, and check out their petfinder info to learn how to adopt from A Better Pet.