Immersed in the world of professional dog training with a living laboratory of my own 3 dogs plus a rotating stable of boarding and training projects, not to mention the visiting DIP dogs, every day is some form or another of Take Your Dog To Work Day. But for the unfortunate masses of those in diverse occupations who head to work without Fido because laws and rules dictate leaving the dog behind, this is your chance!
Take Your Dog To Work Day was formed to raise awareness of the magnificence of dog ownership along with calling attention to the plight of homeless animals. This annual event, started in 1999, has grown in scope and features and is coming later this week on Friday, June 22, 2012.
Whether you’re planning to participate or not, think about the environment where you work. Then imagine your dog in it. Would he behave politely? Would she show impeccable manners and raise the fun level for your co workers? Or does the mere thought of such imagining bring to mind visions of havoc and mayhem?
If that’s the case, consider setting the goal of bringing your dog to work a reality for next year so that imagining could include a positive outcome. Set your dog up to succeed, be fair, reward what you like, take a group class or go on more outings, and if you need professional help, seek out a qualified positive trainer to help you achieve your goals. To learn more about the direct service including web based distance learning, check out our services page. And Enjoy Your Dog Every Day!