Kitten Season 2012

Kitten season typically begins in March but runs from May – November. Assuming kittens born beginning with a birth cycle in early March are ready for adoption in May. And by ideally 8 weeks, they are most definitely ready to go to new and (hopefully) forever homes. So here I am at the end of May, Memorial Day Weekend fast approaching, and oops, I’ve done it again.  I answered the phone — isn’t voice mail better for answering than I?  Then, after answering it, and hearing a tale of woe, and being weak of resolve, I heard myself  say “sure, I’ll just take your litter of 4 under socialized nearly 8 week old kittens and find them great homes” when I shouldn’t. And here I am with a quartet of adorable kittens who have arrived in my care and are ready for adoption. The group arrived four days ago. In this short time they have blossomed. They’re housed in my enclosed front porch. All four had baths and are now fluffy and clean.  They have gone from shy and wary and segued to explore mode. They are fun to watch — very active and entertaining between rejuvenating kitten power naps.

This is a compare and contrast of BEFORE (based on a phone report) and SINCE ARRIVAL:

THERE: Isolated in a basement with access to their mother but no humans.

HERE: Exposure to sights, sounds, smells, surfaces, chaos of life here at A Better Pet Grand Central. Contained on fully enclosed and airy porch with comfy furniture for visiting and handling and hanging out with. Gently and frequently handled by various people. Introduced to dogs.

THERE: Left to their own devices without access to kitty litter; hence they found various niches to eliminate in.

HERE: Fresh litter boxes (2), cleaned out several times per day; unlimited access for fresh water (with rescue remedy in it) and Flint River Grain Free Kitten and Cat Food

THERE: Whatever was in the basement was fair game. But it was a storage area, not a living space.

HERE: Various interactive toys, catnip filled pootie pads, adventurous places to explore, soft surfaces and cave like set ups for a wide array of potential future environments and new stimuli daily. Fresh air, sunlight, buzzing flies that are fun to bat at!

Adapting quickly.

Cost for adopting $40 (includes a week’s supply of food). Relationship to be formed with these happy, joyous critters? Priceless.


Interested in adopting from A Better Pet? Check us out. And for ongoing updated photos and videos of the growing brood, check out our facebook fan page


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