The Orphan Three Find New Homes

Brother, Sister & Uncle, the three orphaned kittens who arrived on Bastille Day, were probably born on or around Flag Day, left here the day before trash day. This is only notable in that I can clean and recover the use of my porch for visitors. It also eliminates the fear the growing monsters might make a mad dash into the house when coming or going!

The felines’ personalities were pretty entrenched when they arrived, ears bent, needing bottle feeding every few hours and needing help to pee and poop. Back in those early days they slept about 22 hours out of 24. As they matured, slept less and gradually learned to drink milk, then how to eat solid food — first wet, then dry, and ultimately all those other first skills like how to use the litter box, show off their skills of climbing, wrassling and charming, not to mention grooming — they became quite individual.

Brother. Gray with white paws and a belly, Brother is the imp of the group. Count on Brother to leap from a chair into a large bowl of milk, splash, hop out, shake off, then lick himself dry and into a fuller belly at the same time. Very inventive fellow. Brother is a total boy cat and even though he was the last to learn new skills, once he mastered them he was totally with the program. Brother went off to a home with a young couple and two 1 year old cats. He’s sure to join in the menagerie with bravado and charm before too long.

Sister from the start was the most vocal of the trio and remained true to that. Solid medium gray fur, blue eyes and a diminutive confidence about her. Okay so maybe she meowed a little, but always for a reason, never gratuitous. Uncle and Brother both looked up to her quite a bit, thanked her for her opinions, then would beat her up. But never together. And she always managed to escape unharmed. I really loved Sister! I’m sure I’ll be keeping tabs on her!

Uncle. More mature than his gray/white brother, Uncle is a medium black furry fellow, blue eyes, piercing at times. If I had to give him 2 awards, #1 would be Cat With the Strongest Foot Fetish and #2 Least Likely to Enjoy Being Photographed. Uncle is a particular favorite of my daughter Callie, and is a great balance to Sister. Luck being luck, Sister and Uncle were adopted together after I counseled their new previously pet less couple, to sleep on it before making the decision to essentially adopt twins — twice the cost and responsibility, but double the fun and they do so love each other!

Happy Trails to all, and now back to the business of dogs! Coming soon, Group Clinic Summer Madness!

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