Spring is springing and I decided to take Har-Vest on a test drive for off road work a.k.a. hiking. Kids are on spring break, and 1/3 of them wanted to go explore nature, so off we went — Callie, SpokesDog Bean and I.
First we let the boy run around sans vest and when it was time to “dress” him, I opted for his purple version. In the pockets I put treats, a poop bag, my keys and I even put my digital camera in (within a ziploc bag, just in case!) too. And then it was time to expore nature on our hike.
I missed a lot of potential “heavy duty” off road since my camera was in the pocket, but after we got sweaty/dirty, Bean was happy to pose in Har-Vest and I’m happy to report that as an off road hiker’s aid, it was two thumbs up from me!