Passive Interactive Dog Treat Recipe – Kong Parfait-cicle

This summer I’ve seen a slew of active, ADD (attention deficit disorder) or ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) dogs. Accompanying them are and often over stressed and anxious dog parents at loose ends. In need of ideas for quelling the seemingly endless needs of their dogs. These aren’t always puppies or even teenage dogs. Dogs that might chronologically be adults but are emotionally developmentally delayed and thus, also in need of boredom busting activities that don’t always require active participation by their owners. And frankly, even well balanced normal non problematic adult dogs like toys and games and fun times!

While dog toys come in different forms and functions, and I’ve written about them before, my favorite kind are the ones that require THINKING happen in the dog’s brain. To that end, with respect to these interactive toys, I break them down into Active and Passive Interactive.

Active are the type of treat (food and/or chewies) dispensing toys that allow for a dog to zoom around, often bonking the toy to attain the goal of treat dispensing. These include but are not limited to Bob-a-Lot, Kong Wobblers and Buster Cubes.

Passive are those that can be done in a quieter way — on a bed or crate — to instill the be all end all of dog behavior – DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WHEN ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING IS GOING ON. Hard to achieve, but certainly getting a dog to learn how to be calm when exciting things are happening is a big part of dog training.

Today’s entry is a recipe for the Passive Interactive Category.

I call this Kong Parfait-cicle and include TWO options:

Kong Parfait-sicle


Rubber Kong (large to XXL, red or black for the power chewer)
Dog Kibble
Freeze Dried Liver Bits or chopped carrots
Peanut Butter
Bully stick (option 2)

Option 1:
Plug smaller hole of Kong with peanut butter and freeze briefly to harden. Or just cover hole with tape.

Layer wet and dry ingredients: dollop of yogurt, a few pieces of kibble, yogurt, cheerios, yogurt, liver bits or carrots and top off with yogurt and a dollop of peanut butter. FREEZE 8 hours or overnight. Give to dog in crate or on dog bed for a quiet activity. Great for giving to dog before leaving to reduce or alleviate separation anxiety.

Option 2:
Put both wet and dry ingredients into blender. I often use leftovers too (see photos). Blend into a wet mass. Add water if necessary to make a liquid mass. Pour into plugged up kong and fill 3/4. Jam a bully stick in (careful liquid doesn’t overflow!) and freeze. This combo rubber toy, chewie and delightful food combo is sure to keep dog happy and quiet.

Feel free to share and stay tuned for more creative ideas on wrangling your beast friend!

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