Happy Fall and a Little Parable

Today is the transition of seasons from summer to fall. I can feel and smell it in the air, hear the crunch crunch of dying leaves beneath my feet, and notice a different slanting of the sun. Neglected overripe tomatoes are literally exploding in my little garden, my kids’ return to school seems in full adjust mode (not that all 3 are happy about it, but off they go, back they come, homework gets done, off they go again), and my animals spew extra layers of hair for me to meditatively sweep up.

A friend very recently sent me a wonderful video story about Chinese Giant Bamboo for the Jewish New Year (Happy 5770!). The parable of the video has resonated for me — both personally and professionally — and in such a deep and already positive way. Being a fan of metaphors, fables, parables, I felt it could be useful for those who, among other things, are trying to wrangle their dog or puppy into what they want them to be but lack the patience or reality base or honesty about how and how long and what is involved in accomplishing the goal.

And so I share The Story of The Chinese Bamboo in the hope that it can inspire you in all your journeys.

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