What it isn’t:
Dog training is not brain surgery, rocket science or coal mining. Although you do need to think through things, be prepared for some explosions now and then and yes, get dirty sometimes.
What it is:
Dog training is teaching your dog what you want the dog to do and have your dog want to do it.
It is knowledge based and is both an art and science requiring practice and opportunity, patience and perseverance. It requires living in a reality based universe and taking responsibility.
Winston Churchill once said “if you’re going through hell, keep on going”. That’s sort of how I feel about training puppies or in many cases, the initial time with many of the board and train dogs that cross my threshold who may chronologically be adults or adolescents but behave like puppies.
Fortunately, I have some well mannered canine assistants and I know how to balance The Six Pillars of Dog Training Wisdom and I do live in a reality based universe almost all of the time. So employing things like The Three Day Rule and The Six Things All Dogs Should Know, I am able to turn around unruly dogs quite quickly and then return with a detailed list of operating instructions to help owners continue on.
Additional services like Drop in Play, Leash & Group Clinics, Puppy Classes and more intensive pet and service dog training round out the array of services available — both directly and indirectly, in person and via Skype — that can help us help you make your dog(s) a better pet.
For more information, please visit abetterpet.com and email with any questions. And please note, SUMMER SEASON GROUP CLINICS AND GROUP CLASSES BEGIN JUNE 1.