Classes Starting Soon. Register for your spot!

Summer starts officially at 9:48 pm EST on Father’s Day this year. Tomorrow!  But already the sultry humidity and lush green of the heights is under full swing. Learn how to train, manage, enjoy your dog or puppy, morph behavioral problems into fixes and take responsibility and control using the concepts of benevolent leadership and positive methods. You’ll meet other like minded people, dogs yours can learn from and just have fun.

Family friendly (kids often make better trainers than their parents!), outdoors in a fenced in and environmentally rich space for developing dog minds, you’ll learn how to teach manners, increase your comfort with off leash training opportunities, let your dog  play and learn. Your dog can also help teach his or her own canine peers and leave tired and happy!

Three different classes to choose from. Location Cleveland Heights, OH (near Fairmount/S. Taylor Rd.) Convenient ONLINE REGISTRATION. Advanced registration required. Prefer to pay by check or cash? EMAIL for details.

And don’t forget DIP (Drop in Play). Want to try it once for free? Go here.

Interested in leash manners or other summer outdoor dog activities coming soon? Go here

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