Welcome to the new site for A Better Pet LLC

Welcome to the new look for A Better Pet LLC. While it would be nice to think that all the elements necessary to live well with your pet are natural, in truth, for most people they are not. Living in harmony with animals requires a sound knowledge base, patience, honesty, a sense of humor, the ability to measure change (regardless of qualifying it as good or bad) as well as the wherewithal to seek help when needed. These are the reality based list of ingredients and are key for avoiding heartache, frustration, lawsuits and chaos.

A Better Pet LLC was born from my passion to share my knowledge with others. The Six Pillars of Dog Training Wisdom is the program of study I designed to achieve the goals people seek for their pets. Focused on non force based and positive methods, this is a proactive approach to learn how to get your dog (or cat or horse) to do what you want instead of focusing on all the behaviors you don’t want.

The website for A Better Pet LLC has undergone several evolutions over the past dozen years. It is hoped that this iteration will better suit those of you who seek the information and products to make yours a better pet. As we continue to hone the pages we ask for patience and — that all important quality — a sense of humor. If you find any errors, broken links, confusing pages, please don’t hesitate to let us know. Thanks and enjoy the journey!

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