Trip nostalgia trip

Lily’s recent death at age 10 paralleled the entire first decade of the 21st century. She came into my life on January 2, 2000 and she left it 10 days ago almost exactly ten years later on January 10, 2010. I’ve recently rediscovered a box of old video tapes including a lot of footage of my children when young and, of course, my dogs past and present were well represented, sometimes to the exclusion of the kids!

The process of video preservation — transferring the tapes to the hard drive of a computer and then editing the footage into interesting little movies for both personal and professional use is an exciting but nevertheless daunting proposition.
My tech savvy teenage daughter figured out how to configure the appropriate cords to show the videotape on the living room TV and last night the girls and I (along with the dogs and cats) watched one tape dating back to Fall 2001. Much of the cassette was when my now 8 + year old Trip was a puppy — including the day I took my girls (then ages 2 1/2, almost 5 and 8 1/2) to meet Trip and his whole litter. What I hadn’t counted on was how excited Trip was to see his family on TV.
Trip has really been the only dog I’ve lived with who really loves TV. Especially if there is some animal related show on (I watch a lot of them). He gets really giddy when it’s about dogs. I can only imagine how very giddy he was watching his very small and young former ungray self and his siblings and his birth mother.
This is just a small snippet I just had to take to show his excitement and how it transferred down to the cats (who normally take no interest in TV). Stay tuned for more!

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