Providing pet and service dog training consumes much of my life these days. I engage in both short and long term relationships with people in helping them learn how to guide their dog(s) to be well mannered and have rewarding and enriching relationships. A good portion of each year is dedicated to raising/training young pups underfoot in my home that are earmarked for a variety of individuals — children, teenagers, and adults of all ages. Cora is my current in-home project — a delightful 12 week old labradoodle who is the right “make and model” for her teenage owner.
The only real difference between a pet and working dog is the degree of accountability of these manners in a variety of environments as well as developing functions the dog can perform to help assist their owner in a variety of ways. Over the past dozen plus years I have been privileged to meet hundreds of people and dogs and been a positive influence in many dog’s lives.
Here’s an article written by a very astute high school senior at my alma mater, Shaker Heights High School in Shaker Heights, OH. Enjoy!