If you can start out on the right paws with your young puppy developing loose leash manners in a positive and user friendly way, would you? Of course. Even if that meant having to shell out more bucks each time your pup outgrew a piece of equipment? Probably not. Having multiple kids allows for hand me downs. So why shouldn’t the same apply to dogs?
Well, now they do. Because we’re throwing out, FOR A LIMITED TIME, THE HAR-VEST GROW WITH ME SPECIAL!
Buy the Har-Vest in the size that fits your pup now at full price. It might be a gently used version, might not. Keep the vest in good condition and trade up for the next size up for only the cost of postage and a new (if needed) strap set [or returning to A Better Pet ] for the swap. Sometimes you might only need a new set of straps, other times a new Har-Vest. When your dog is full grown, you’ll be in the final Har-Vest you’ll need for years of durability and practical use.
Meet Finn. When I first met Finn, he was 8 weeks old and a scrawny little gangly fellow. Starting out with an XS Finn grew, and grew and grew, to S to M to L and now XL. Now nearly 1, he’s got some filling out to do and may need a larger strap set when fully grown. And all for the cost of only one full priced Har-Vest. The rest were half price and his gently used Har-Vest’s have already gone on to other pups. When they return in good condition, once again they’ll go out. And because Har-Vest is so durable, that’s an easy proposition!
Confused? Have questions? Want to know how to get in on this great deal? Email and ask me how TODAY!