Greetings From Roatan – First report

I have returned to Roatan, solo this time, to work with the dogs of island dwellers. In order to include a balance of exotic and typical island activities in between the dogs, I will be here for two weeks this time. It’s off season but spectacular, a great time to travel solo and have an amazing time.

I will endeavor to profile at least some of the dogs I’ll have the pleasure of getting to know. One for sharing what is for many of my followers a more exotic locale, and also just to confirm that a dog is a dog is a dog wherever you live, whatever you speak, whatever the weather.

This sums it up

Thus far I have been able to spend time with some of my better known canine friends. Charlie, Sammy, Kara and (ssh, my personal favorite Batman). All 4 are island rescue dogs, all four came to Layle, owner of the amazing LALA Gallery and Garden Cafe, and now great friend, with varying degrees of emotional baggage from their previous life in what can be a hardscrabble place for unclaimed animals.

I have met and worked with Charlie, Sammy and Batman since February 2013; Kara I first met in my last visit 7 months ago during the brutal winter of 2014,

I will give reports on all 4 dogs over the coming days as they are the ones I am likely to see and spend time with on a regular basis during my time on this trippy, tropical land.

Coming up first, Charlie.  Come back soon!

A great car traveler -- why not? Always an adventure ahead.
Charlie. Always ready for adventures.

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