Spring Has Sprung

The grass has riz. So much so that I have been forced to mow not once but twice in the past week and a half. It wouldn’t be so bad except that I have Tennis Elbow which is not, unfortunately, from playing tennis, but probably something like starting up a gas mower and hurting myself!

Not surprisingly, with the onset of warmer weather the desire to get out and about increases and what better way to enjoy measuring the growth of leaves and buds than taking a walk. When that walk is to include a dog who has spent his winter not being walked, or walked much, or certainly walked with fewer distractions since a lot of people weren’t out walking their dogs then than are walking their dogs now — well, that dog may have lost any leash manners he might ever have had.

The no pull harnesses and harness/vests out on the market now can not only improve the dog’s walking, but help make him useful to boot!

So get out there and walk! With control. And enjoy the budding!

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